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Region: El Tambo, Cauca
Farm: The Villa Esperanza - paraíso
Variety: Geisha
Altitude: 1700 - 1950 masl
Processing: Extended fermentation washed
Notes: Vibrant florals, white sugar and sweet peach lemonade
Diego Samuel was born in Bolivia, Cuaca. He has dedicated the last 13 years of his life to growing coffee and gaining a deeper understanding and knowledge of the processing and production of high end specialty coffee. The application of this knowledge is almost unparalleled in the unique flavour and profiles of the coffee he produces.
As part of a tight knit family, Diego lives and works on the farm in Cauca alongside his wife and two daughters, and his two brothers. Together they are involved in the pursuit of continual learning, and striving to achieve ever greater heights with their processing. They built their own cupping lab on the farm to learn more about cupping and roasting so that they could then start to curate their own fermentation protocols. These experiments and the novel approach to coffee have allowed Diego to soar, winning several awards from 2015 onwards.